Cats, Kittens, the Naples Humane Society Has ‘Em All

April is the month of cats. At least it is at the Naples Humane Society this year.
“This is the time of year we explode with newborn kittens we rescue and get from other agencies,” said Andy Reed, director of development at the Naples Humane Society. “It always becomes a scramble this time of year to get the supplies we need.”
In anticipation of the increased amount of furry felines, the Humane Society has decided to throw a kitty shower, the Naples Daily News said.
“When someone has a newborn that’s what they do and it benefits greatly,” Reed said.
Because you know, cats = humans.
But all jokes aside, this is the perfect event to introduce newborn cat babies to their potential owners.
Maybe we’ll get an office cat. Okay, we’re kidding—but I secretly wish we weren’t.
Donations are always accepted, but on April 12, the shelter will specifically be asking for kitten supplies including litter, towels and milk replacement.
“Our weather year round just encourages breeding, but as far as spring time, that’s birthing season for most animals,” Reed said.
Obviously, cats.
Adoption hours are from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
And wannabe cat owners should watch for upcoming specials that allow people to adopt two kittens for the price of one, Reed said.
Activities for kids and families are also planned for the kitty shower, including a story hour for kids beginning at 1 p.m.
Maybe there will be some super cool cat stories.
As of Wednesday, the shelter had 181 cats and kittens on site or spread throughout it’s foster home system.
More volunteers are always needed for foster homes, Reed said.
If you’re interested in fostering a kitten, visit the Humane Society on April 12 to fill out an application and meet with a staffer. If all goes well, Reed said you could go home with temporary pets the same day.
The following kitten supplies are also on the kitty shower wish list: hand sanitizer, paper towels, canned kitten food, bleach, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent and monetary donations.